Saturday, December 22, 2007

'Twas the week before Christmas and I had the flu . . .

I'm a firm believer in not leaving things I need to do until the last minute. I'm a compulsive list maker and list checker - checking off tasks as I complete them. Have I mentioned before that I'm a Type "A" personality? : - ) Anyway, I generally finish my "to do" list before the tasks are actually due, with time to spare, But not this week. This week I was down with the flu.

I am not a good patient - not one who suffers in silence : - ) or who grins and bears it, sucking it up and trudging on, keeping on, no matter how lousy I'm feeling. When I'm sick, everything is all about me. : - ) As a result, this last week was a bust, and I got nothing on my list done.

Today is the first day that my thoughts turned outward - outside of myself and the fact that I was sick. A good sign; if I'm no longer focused on being sick, than the worst is behind me and I've come out of it. But, with my thoughts turning outward again, came a reality check: It's three days before Christmas. Three Days.

I have three days to get my house tidy after several days of neglect, finish my Christmas gift shopping, grocery shop, and prepare a meal for twelve people. That's doable, right? : - )

I wish you a happy and safe holiday.


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