Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Tortoise and the Hare

My writing isn't coming as quickly as I'd like with my current work in progress. Or so I've been thinking. I seem to have developed this idea lately that I'd written my two previous novels faster than this one. Thinking back on this, though, I realize that wasn't the case. I've always been a tortoise when it comes to my writing, rather than a hare.

I'm a slow, methodical writer. I think each sentence through as I write it, testing it for its purpose in the story. Each sentence must earn its place in my mind first, or it will never be included on the page. As a result, I don't write a full chapter at each writing session, but only a few pages.

I don't complete manuscripts at lightning speed, but, neither do I find myself discarding countless pages when I get to the editing stage. All of the thought that I put into each line makes for tight and accurate writing.

I am definitely a tortoise when it comes to my writing. Since I'm working on my third novel, though, slow and steady works fine for me. : - )


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