Saturday, January 26, 2008

My New Year's Resolution

I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions. I realize that I'm a few weeks late in the year with my list : - ) I'm not sure "resolutions" is the right name for my list anyway. More accurately I've been thinking of "improvements".

An honest look in the mirror will tell me that I have a few pounds to lose : - )

I'm a nail-biter - I could certainly work on that : - )

But it isn't outward improvements that I've been thinking of. I'm thinking more of internal change, characteristics that I would likely be better off without. Topping my list is that I'm a control freak. That one is key for me.

So, this year, I'm going to let go a little. There, I've said it (actually written it : - )) . I'm going to adopt more a "take things as they come" attitude. There are times when things happen the way they're going to happen no matter what we do to the contrary. This year I'm going to work on being okay with that. : - )

I wish you every success in whatever you've set out to change, accomplish, or gain this new year.


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